Great video from Dr. Theresa Bullard on healing the limbic system through essential oils, music, and other tools. I would totally add in Art and then you are doing my Harmonia Practice.
Essential oils can also heal your Chakra System. Below is an article that suggests some amazing to incorporate into your daily Self Care Practices. Essential Oils to Balance Chakras By Marian Grande featured on Health Care in America Pretty much everyone has heard of chakras. Although I find many people aren’t really clear on what they are or what their function is. Let me explain: Chakras are energy centers within the human body that help to regulate all its processes, from organ function to the immune system and emotions. There are seven main chakras that are positioned throughout your body, from the base of your spine to the crown of your head. Each chakra has its own vibrational frequency, color, and governs specific functions. To achieve balance in all areas of your life, your chakras need to be balanced, in alignment and spinning just right. Essential oils can help you achieve that balance. First Chakra — Root Chakra Patchouli Essential Oil Also stimulates the second chakra (Sacral Chakra) The root chakra is located at the base of the spine and is represented by the colour red. It is also represented by the physical element of Earth. It represents grounding to the physical world and survival/self-preservation. The root chakra is associated with the spine, legs, feet, colon, the adrenal glands, the spine, legs, feet and colon. A balanced root chakra will have the following characteristics: being grounded, stability, stillness, prosperity, physical health, a sense of safety and security, and being present in the moment. This essential oil gives the gift of enjoying being alone with yourself in a content, relaxed state, giving rise to having a large energy store so you can get things done. It can be very supportive in helping you reach your goals, from clarification of what you desire to having the drive to do what is needed to reach your goal. This essential oil also helps you overcome fatigue and feeling down. Second Chakra — Sacral Chakra Neroli Essential Oil Also stimulates the fourth chakra (Heart Chakra) The sacral chakra is located in the lower abdomen between the pelvis and the navel centre. It is represented by the colour orange and the physical element of water. It represents vitality, self-gratification, and passion, and is associated with the sacral vertebra and the reproductive organs and effects circulation, urinary function, and reproduction. A balanced sacral chakra carries the following characteristics: ability to enjoy pleasure, emotional intelligence, sexual satisfaction, passion and the ability to embrace change. This essential oil brings the energy of pure love and lightness of being, driving away sorrows and bringing a peaceful, stable calm. This oil is simply a must for healing trauma from abuse or anytime you are in an emotional crisis or suffering from sadness. It helps to foster hope and leads you from fear. Neroli also opens you to love within yourself and the freedom of allowing love to flow freely. Third Chakra — Solar Plexus Chakra Pine Essential Oil Also stimulates the fourth chakra (Heart Chakra) The solar plexus chakra is located above the naval centre, and is represented by the colour yellow. It is also represented by the physical element of fire. It represents willpower, motivation and vitality. It is often associated with the pancreas, liver, spleen, stomach, lower back muscles, the metabolism and digestion. A balances solar plexus chakra should show the following characteristics: confidence, warmth, self-discipline, reliability, and a positive sense of self. Pine essential oil is an oil for the restoration of the heart when your emotions have become hard or jaded. This oil releases you from old wounds, letting you move forward without the baggage of the past, bringing the ability to experience your emotions in real time versus playing out echoes from the past. This oil allows you to move forward. You will feel replenished and new, which allows you to bring growth and inner peace to your future relationships. Fourth Chakra — Heart Chakra Rosewood or Rose Essential Oil The fourth chakra; the heart chakra is located in the low center of the chest and represents self-acceptance and love. It is associated with the colour green and the physical element of air. It is related with the lymph glands, heart, rib cage, lungs, skin, arms, hands, circulation and the immune system. A balanced heart chakra will have the following characteristics: self-love, contentment, compassion, acceptance, peacefulness and being centred. A wonderful oil that encourages free-flowing emotions, the ability to harmonize what you are feeling with your thoughts, and the capacity to express your emotions. This oil offers strong energetic bubble of protection and can help you maintain a clean and enclosed aura. Use this chakra scent for releasing constricted feelings stored in the chest, internalized grief, melancholy, and repressed emotions. Fifth Chakra — Throat Chakra Lavender Essential Oil The fifth chakra as its name suggests is located in the throat and is represented by the colour blue or turquoise. It is also represented by the physical element of ether. The throat chakra represents self-expression and communication, and is associated with the thyroid, esophagus, neck, shoulders, arms, hands and hearing. A balanced throat chakra will have the following characteristics: clear communication with others and self, good listening skills, good sense of time and a full voice. A fantastic essential oil that will help encourage you to share your gifts with the world. This chakra balancing oil heals feelings of being overly delicate, withdrawn, or fearful and brings spiritual growth by helping you integrate your experiences, which brings an expanded awareness and perspective. This oil will help you communicate more effectively. Six Chakra — Third Eye Chakra Sandalwood Essential Oil The third eye chakra is located in the centre of the forehead. It is represented by the colour indigo and the physical element of light. It represents self-reflection and knowledge. It is also associated with the pituitary gland, left brain hemisphere, left eye, nose, ears, sinuses, conscious mind, the endocrine system, neurological system, and small muscle control. A balanced third eye chakra will have strong intuition, good memory, ease remembering dreams, ability to visualize and a guiding vision for life. A grounding essential oil that is highly effective when meditating. Used by healers and spiritual leaders worldwide, this oil brings an inner awareness and a sense of ease engaging with higher consciousness, which is helpful for insights into blockages on your spiritual path, whether internal or external, and allows a gentle processing at your deepest levels. Sandalwood helps break down illusions, helping you align with your most authentic self. Seventh Chakra — Crown Chakra Lime Essential Oil The seventh chakra; the crown chakra is located at the top of the head. It is represented by the colour of violet, and physical element of thought. It represents self-knowledge, self-will, and divine connection. It is associated with the pineal gland, pituitary gland, cerebral cortex, cerebrum, the right eye, the right brain hemisphere, central nervous system, the subconscious mind, and large muscle control. A balance crown chakra will have wisdom, intelligence, ability to analyze, spiritual connection and open mindedness. Lime is a great essential oil to use for energetic cord cutting and detaching. Useful in enhancing your perception of the truth inside any situation. It allows you to release any illusion that you may have confused with reality. Here are a few more suggestions: Root Chakra: Cypress Sacral Chakra: Ylang-ylang Solar Plexus Chakra: Ginger Hearth Chakra: Jasmine Throat Chakra: Roman Chamomile Third Eye Chakra: Rosemary Crown Chakra: Frankincense Apply the oil (diluted with a carrier oil) to the respective chakra (i.e. root chakra — to the soles of the feet). Essential oils can help balance your chakras and keep them in alignment to ensure optimal health of the body, mind and soul.
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Over, the years are body gets worn and torn. I feel that early on most of us are told that we are not OK and we are flawed. It is totally conditioned in us by Advertisers, Social Media, and Reality TV. Over time we start to believe it and body starts getting tattered up. Our emotive thoughts are so powerful, that it easily becomes a self fulfilling prophecy. We gain weight. We eat toxic food. We get sick. Our skin starts sagging. Our mental health suffers. In many of us our body temple becomes abused. Add to the mix all of our past trapped traumas and toxic emotions start to fester dis-ease with in ourselves. Also, one we cannot forget the stress of living in today's world. Jumping on Twitter or listening to NPR can give one a nervous breakdown. These are trying times and this chaotic insanity affects your health and wellbeing. I feel that is really the Self Care moment is about, many are waking up to the empowering fact that we can co-create a better world, a better body, and a better reality for ourselves. We must start reverently taking care of our body temples and we must start taking care of our HOME, Mama Earth. What we do to the Earth and her Animal Kingdom is the macrocosm of what we are doing to ourselves. Truth be known it is horrific abuse on all levels. And needs to stop! This is why the Self Care movement is so important and so empowering. It is really waking folks up to that ancient Oracle of Delphi truth, To Know ThySelf. Know thy mind, body, and spirit! Embrace your personal sovereignty. Remember your power is not outside or separate of you, it is inside of you. We were all born whole and the human world has tore us into fragments. It is time to rise like the Phoenix out the ashes into your intrinsic wholeness. As Dr. Joe Dizpenza says, “And can you teach your body emotionally what it would feel like to believe in this way . . . to be empowered . . . to be moved by your own greatness . . . to be invincible . . . to have courage . . . to be in love with life . . . to feel unlimited . . . to live as if your prayers are already answered? . . .” So let's all rise up into the greatest version of ourselves. When we are radiate and healthy, you can transform others. Embracing the your are both an artist and healer. Perfect health and well being is your inheritance. Proclaim as you heal your self and begin to Love every inch of your mind, body, and soul, you can change this world for the better. You can affect others in positive way. You can be part of the solution. It is time to step up like a giant and shine your light into the world. Begin living out loud, drinking in the presence of the moment from the fountain of eternity. Start taking care of yourself and treat yourself like the Divine being you are. During my Harmonia, 10,000 Steps of Gratitude beach meditation this mantra keeps yelping into my being: "Heaven is Earth, Gaia is Heaven, and your body is a temple. Restore your temple in reverence, back to wholeness and balance." It is a beautiful empowering revelation to my Soul, Mind, and Body. Self Care, Self Love, and Self Healing are creative holistic journeys. We at the Harmonia Institute feel that you are a work of Art and you should treat yourself with the highest of reverence. Below is beautiful mandala exercise to embody and activate your inner medicine woman. Harmonia Practice: Activating your inner Medicine Woman So here is an Law Attraction Harmonia mandala exercise with the Goddess Archetype Akeso. Here name means curing, the process of curing. Begin your journey into the highest version of your Self. Harmonia Practice Recipe Ingredients
“Yet, at the quantum level, NO part of the body lives apart from the rest. There are no wires holding together the molecules of your arteries, just as there are no visible connections binding together the stars in a galaxy. Yet arteries and galaxies are both securely held together, in a seamless, perfect design. The invisible bonds that you cannot examine under a microscope are quantum in nature; without this "hidden physiology," your visible physiology could not exist. It would never have been more than a random collection of molecules.” ― Deepak Chopra Any questions about this Harmonia Practice? E-mail me at the [email protected] See my healing Sigil mandala below.
Muse and Artivist
Lisa Rasmussen MFA is the Founder and Director of the Harmonia Institute. Lisa Rasmussen—artist, educator, curator, life coach, arts and healing practitioner, and art advocate—believes art can change and heal the world. Archives
January 2025