Art Break Day Co-Founder and Healing Artist: Lisa Rasmussen Below is the article, and you can listen to my interview online HERE. Lisa Rasmussen is a transformative artist, educator, curator and art advocate who truly believes that art can change and heal the world. Lisa is the Co-Founder and Co-Director of Art is Moving and the 3rd Annual Art Break Day. Art Break Day is a community art-reach event that offers thousands of people the means and space to connect with their community via the art-making process. She is also the Executive Director and Co-Founder of Art 4 All People and AY Atelier Art, an international sanctuary for arts and consciousness online and in Malibu, CA. Additionally, Lisa pioneered an award-winning expressive arts program for emotionally traumatized and abused youth, and developed a professional art gallery for the residents of Lincoln Child Center, a mental health facility in Oakland, CA. She is also a professional artist, and her paintings are her spiritual practice. To learn more about Lisa and her work, please visit,, This interview was recorded in May 2013.
I am blessed to live in Santa Monica and so close to ocean. Almost every morning I embark on a four mile meditative beach walk. I begin my morning ritual with coffee and then by pulling a Thoth Deck card, this brings an archetypal theme to my day. Once I heard that a great quote, that within our inner worlds, we house the whole Tarot deck.
My next step is I oint myself with a blend of spiritual infused essential oils. I use
Meditation Today, after my 9 Chakra shedding or weeding. I consider our Chakra's to be like Eco systems, they constantly need a little weeding and tending to. My higher guides and my intuition spoke to me internally and said you feel the Earth is divine, think about your Root Chakra as divine. This gave me an aha! I began focusing on my Root Chakra as divine. I said internally Body you are divine, cells your are divine, bones you are divine ~ my whole sacred vessel (my body) is divine. My Root Chakra was divinely empowered as I visualized a bright red vortex at my tail. #channeling my #innerbuddha #rumi and #priestess my #thirdeye #chakra is tingling from this #mantra it came to me from my #higherguides #higherself during #10000steps of #gratitude #meditation #oceantherapy #innerhealing #chakrasaligned with and infused with #divinelove and light #harmoniapractice my #body returns to a #coherent #stateofbeing #divinity us #within #you #me and #allbeings #divineresonance #dna #expanding in #harmony #sacredspiral the #universe is #energy #electromagnetic #flow always #sublime #life my #prayers go out to all beings devasted by the fire, it is still going...I read in the news 5 #mountainlions are #mia #pray for safe passage to all Power Essential Oil Helichrysum: Nervous System, Reduce Inflammation, Detox, and Skin Renewal11/9/2018
On my journey into epic self care with my Harmonia Practice and Doterra essential oils. I discovered another powerhouse essential oil. Helichrysum is perfect to include in your daily self care routine. "Helichrysum is often used to prevent signs of aging and referred to as “The Everlasting Flower” because of its rejuvenating benefits for the skin and ability to improve the complexion." Doterra website.
Also, the ancient Greeks used it for medicinal purposes. They also named it Helichrysum as it has the color of the sun. For a liver detox rub a couple drops of Helichrysum oil into coconut oil and rub below your lower right rub. To give some love to your liver. From Dr. Axe's website here is an Anti-Inflammatory Pain Reliever Rub Recipe (such as for Fibromyalgia or Arthritis)Total Time: 2 minutes Serves: 30 INGREDIENTS:
This is a great essential oil recipe to warm your heart. I shifted a bit and added more patchouli. As well as clove is an excellent remedy for your teeth and gums. Wild orange alone is mood elevator (joy anyone) and is excellent to infuse your water with. Lastly, one of the benefits of patchouli essential oil is great for skincare and anti inflammation. You can buy your oils at Harmonia Essential Oils HERE.
Repost of article from Evolve and Ascend “Chakra” is a sanskrit word, which translates from Hindi to “wheel of spinning energy”. It is believed that there are seven energy centers within our body, and each center corresponds to a space where life-force flows. When a chakra is out of balance, we may feel off-balanced in our day to day life, but in learning how to cleanse, and activate our life force centers, we learn to become a force of nature within our reality. While the connection to the chakra system may be tied to Hindu spiritual belief systems, one may also be surprised to find that even the ancient Egyptians believed in the concept of the seven energy centers. The Egyptians tied the energy centers to the endocrine system, and seven specific glands within the body, which include the pineal gland, pituitary gland, thyroid, thymus, adrenal glands, spleen, and testes/ovaries. In fact, The Pyramid Texts of Saqqara, believed to be the oldest religious writings in the world, detail Seven Sacred Oils, which were used in daily temple ritual, funerary rites, cosmetics and medicines. According to, “The deities (gods and goddesses) were said to be the most fragrant beings imaginable, and the temple statues were anointed daily with perfume. It is said that during his reign, Ramses III offered more than 16,000 jars of perfume to the gods.” Below, we’ve detailed these Seven Sacred Oils, and the gods/goddess (aka: Neters, “forces of nature”) they correspond with. Seven Sacred Oils For Chakra Healing Crown of Osiris: Lotus Flower (Crown Chakra) In the modern mythology of the story of Osiris, it is believed that the reason he is portrayed as green is because he was slain, and resurrected back to life. According to The Story of Osiris, Isis and Horus: The Egyptian Myth of Creation: “From Geb, the sky god, and Nut, the earth goddess came four children: Osiris, Isis, Set and Nepthys. Osiris was the oldest and so became king of Egypt, and he married his sister Isis. Osiris was a good king and commanded the respect of all who lived on the earth and the gods who dwelled in the netherworld. However, Set was always jealous of Osiris, because he did not command the respect of those on earth or those in the netherworld. One day, Set transformed himself into a vicious monster and attacked Osiris, killing him. Set then cut Osiris into pieces and distributed them throughout the length and breadth of Egypt. With Osiris dead, Set became king of Egypt, with his sister Nepthys as his wife. Nepthys, however, felt sorry for her sister Isis, who wept endlessly over her lost husband. Isis, who had great magical powers, decided to find her husband and bring him back to life long enough so that they could have a child. Together with Nepthys, Isis roamed the country, collecting the pieces of her husband’s body and reassembling them. Once she completed this task, she breathed the breath of life into his body and resurrected him. They were together again, and Isis became pregnant soon after. Osiris was able to descend into the underworld, where he became the lord of that domain.” However, the story runs deeper than the myth, and the Egyptian mystery schools believe that the reason Osiris was portrayed as green, was because not because he died and came back to life, but because he was closest to nature. The very word for Egyptian god/goddess, “Neter”, actually translates as “force of nature”, and the gods/goddesses were not God, but forces of “God”, which is not a being, but is nature as a whole. Patricia Awyan of Khemitlogy elucidates: “Osiris embodies the tree, rooted in the earth and reaching for the heavens. This is the path of the kundalini moving through our glandular ChakRAs , from the root to the crown . We choose how we want to interact with this reality by where we place our focus. We vibrate at higher levels when we raise our levels of consciousness and transmute our polarities within.” In looking at Osiris as a “force of nature” (a being in connection with the powers of creation), in relation to the crown chakra, which unleashes our ability for astral communication, and connection with the energy of the all, lotus flower is the fragrant vehicle, which unlocks our senses, and cleanses any static from this energy system, so we can connect to the divine, observe the powers Osiris embodied, and open to receive all of sources of infinite wisdom, and mystery. Eye of Horus: Sandalwood (Third Eye Chakra) Horus, energetically speaking, aligns with the powers of the Sun, and symbolizes power, wisdom and the all seeing eye (Third Eye Chakra). By working with Sandalwood and this energy sphere/Neter, we tap into the powers of the Sun, which allows “in-sight” and lights up our inner vision. This vision of the all provides the opportunity to transcend time and space, by exploring the various visionary realms, and spiritual planes of the worlds within our world. Throat of Thoth: Ambar Kashmir (Throat Chakra) “Man is in process of changing to forms that are not of this world. Grows he is time to the formless, a plane on the cycle above.” – The Emerald Tablets of Thoth Thoth was a powerful Neter, and both the Egyptians and Greeks credit him as the inventor of astrology, astronomy, science, mathematics, geometry, medicine, reading, writing, and so much more. Furthermore, they believed Thoth was the true author of every branch of knowledge, both human and divine, and a master of the material and spiritual realms. A scribe of wisdom and wonder, a seer, a sage, a mystic and a magician, Thoth was a clear channel, and a conduit for articulating the power of infinity. He aligns with the throat chakra, and ambar kashmir is thought to unlock the powers his energy holds. Working with the throat chakra, and ambar kashmir allows the opportunity to speak with clarity, to articulate with ease, and to let wisdom flow through your words, writing and creativity. Heart of Isis: Attar of Roses (Heart Chakra) Isis, whose name literally translates to “the throne”, was worshipped as the goddess that was the living embodiment of The Divine Feminine. She was perceived to be the connection between nature and magic, and an ideal representation of majestic, maternal, loving, energy. She was a friend to all walks of life, both the oppressed and the opulent, and her heart was open to give, receive, live, and embody love. The heart chakra relates to Isis as a Neter, and Attar of Roses is the oil, which connects us to her power and grace. When working with this chakra, and this oil – we open our hearts to give love, to live love, to receive love, and also embody the magical healing that loving warmth imbues into all aspects of our actions and experiences. Connecting to the heart chakra also helps us connect to the ideals of The Divine Feminine in mind as well, which is the living consciousness of non-linear (cyclical) time, eternity, ritual, magic/intuition, altered states, and art. Solar Plexus of Ra: Jasmine (Solar Plexus Chakra) Ra is another incarnation of Horus, believed to be the “Horus of the Two Horizons”. Like Horus, Ra also corresponds to the Sun, and was seen as a creator god that embodied the energies of light, warmth and growth. With Ra relating to the Solar Plexus, his nature in relationship to the nature of this energy center is a reminder of our “I Am Presence”, and our connection to confidence, security, and systems of belief. Systems of belief in the sense of our ability to believe in our own power, and our potential to create. Jasmine reminds us of our inner creator, and helps dissolve insecurity, doubt, and anything that dims your spiritual sunshine from shining at its lightest, brightest, and very best. Spleen of Hathor: Musk (Sacral Chakra) The Egyptians believed that the health of the glands was essential to the health of the whole, the hormones each secreted helped with living as a fully activated human. Fertility and reproduction which were held in high esteem, and when all major glands were in healthy communication, higher levels of consciousness and creativity were easily accessed. Hathor, was revered as a Neter, and personified the principles of joy, feminine love, and fertility, while also balancing the ability to be a wife, mother and lover. She relates to the spleen (sacral/navel) chakra, which is closely associated to the realm of emotions, sensual, and sexual desire. Musk activates our abilities of clairsentience by opening us up to the energies of “feeling” into the world around us with love, light, sacred sexuality and softness. Base of Set: Red Ambar (Root Chakra) According to Ancient Egypt Online: Set is a Neter that associated with intensity and frightening events such as eclipses, thunderstorms and earthquakes. He also represented the desert and, by extension, the foreign lands beyond the desert. His glyph appears in the Egyptian words for “turmoil”, “confusion”, “illness”, “storm” and “rage”. He was considered to be very strong but also very dangerous, but he was not always considered to be an “evil” being. Set was a friend to the deceased, and assisted them to ascending to heaven on his ladder, and he protected the life giving oases of the desert, and was at times a powerful ally to the pharaoh and even the sun god Ra. In looking to Set in relation to clearing the base chakra, one can be reminded of what can happen when this energy center is off-balance. The root chakra is located at the base of the spine, and relates to grounding, survival instincts, the need for safety, and security. For a person who has imbalance in the first chakra, it might be hard to feel safe in the world and everything looks like a potential risk. The desire for security dominates and can translate into concerns over the job situation, physical safety, shelter, health. A blocked root chakra may turn into behaviors ruled mainly by fear. Red Ambar allows us to transmute any negative feelings from an off-balance chakra, transforming darkness to light, aligning us to the Earth, and the calm, trusting vibration of acceptance, ease, and peace. On OCTOBER 14, 2017 • By JENNIFER SODINI
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Co-Impact Sourcing ~ Doing Good In The World!
In addition to supplying the highest quality essential oils doTERRA is committed to making a positive difference in the lives of farmers, harvesters, and distillers who contribute to doTERRA’s oil production. With over 100 essential oils in its product line, doTERRA sources its oils from over 40 countries —more than half of which could be considered developing countries. To ensure that small scale farmers and harvesters in disadvantaged areas are treated ethically, doTERRA has introduced an initiative called Co-Impact Sourcing. Co-Impact Sourcing is an initiative that seeks to develop long-term, mutually beneficial supplier partnerships while creating sustainable jobs and providing reliable income in underdeveloped areas. doTERRA is committed to the ethical treatment of its suppliers by providing on-time payments at fair prices. Growers and harvesters are encouraged to form cooperative groups to share collective benefits and bargaining power while improving skills and capacity. Additionally, the doTERRA Healing Hands Foundation® helps support development projects in sourcing communities. Projects include schools, health clinics, improved infrastructure and clean water systems. Find out more about doTERRA Healing Hands Foundation projects in Co-Impact Sourcing areas by clicking here. Learn about a few of our projects by clicking below. |
Muse and Artivist
Lisa Rasmussen MFA is the Founder and Director of the Harmonia Institute. Lisa Rasmussen—artist, educator, curator, life coach, arts and healing practitioner, and art advocate—believes art can change and heal the world. Archives
January 2025